
MM&A provides comprehensive capabilities and decades of experience servicing international coal markets, and is a leading consulting firm in the United States working in the coal and coalbed methane industries. We have worked with hundreds of private mining operations, and as coal production has become more and more centralized, we work with entities as they go public. Our growth within the coal industry is based on a commitment to applying and developing advanced engineering and scientific technologies, and hiring and retaining talented staff.

Our staff comprises a mix of coal mining professionals, including senior staff with extensive industry experience that have transitioned into consultants to serve as your trusted advisors. Our multi-faceted expertise allows us to develop cost-effective, sustainable coal mining solutions. Some of the challenges we can help you overcome include:

Examine potential profitably in complex markets

Including economies and governments undergoing significant change.

Quantify coal resources

Define the reserve that can be extracted profitably through our expert reserve evaluations and competent person resource reports.

Assess profitability

of various qualities of coal resources, from high-grade metallurgical coal, by developing optimized mine plans with project cash flow models using multiple market assumptions as to how your coal can be sold

Determine coal-bed methane levels

to provide pre-mining degasification or proper mine ventilation design and improve mine safety

Accurately determine subsurface conditions

at mine horizons to safely advance mines around difficult geological or hydrogeological obstacles while mitigating potential impacts to the environment

Design and permit coal refuse disposal facilities

that are innovative, efficient, and incorporate the best available engineering technologies to address sensitive environmental issues

Safely mine difficult coal seams

including seams that are under deep cover or contain high levels of methane.